First, you set your desired pace…

First, you set your desired pace…

Then, you set your desired pace range…

Then, you set your desired pace range…

Finally, a screen will show you your pace, your limits, and the current time.

Finally, a screen will show you your pace, your limits, and the current time.

OnPace is a fitness app made for Garmin devices to help people keep a desired pace by using vibrations to alert you if you are outside of your desired pace range. Wareable.com consistently lists it as as one of the best Garmin fitness apps.



Set a minutes per mile pace range for yourself. Your watch will vibrate rapidly if you need to pick up your pace and vibrate slowly if you need to hit the brakes.

Select your pace by using the "UP" and "DOWN" keys and hit the "ENTER" key to advance to the next parameter (Touch response available on vivoactive). Then select a radius for the range of your pace and hit "ENTER". Once you have entered your pace and pace range, press the "ENTER" key to begin your exercise.

The app will wait until you reach your pace to start the vibration reminders. You can hit the "UP" key to toggle between data screens that show your Current Pace and Desired Pace versus your Activity Time and Distance Traveled (Tap the screen to toggle screens on the vivoactive). Once you have finished your activity, press the "ENTER" key and bring up the Save Screen. If you'd like to save your exercise, press the "ENTER" key, and to discard, press the "BACK" key.

Live here: https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/b47e4d38-ed64-4f54-90ff-6c689017e459

Code: https://github.com/zachareid/OnPace